Molecular testing for azole resistance
Resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus is caused by known mutations of the Cyp51 gene that threaten the role of the azole class of antifungals. The most common of these mutations, and their associated amino acid substitutions, are:
- Tandem Repeat 34 (TR34) and the associated amino acid substitution L98H
- Tandem Repeat 46 (TR46) and the associated amino acid substitutions T289A and Y121F.
Bruker’s Fungiplex® Aspergillus Azole-R PCR IVD Kit assay is a real-time PCR designed to detect the presence of these TR 34 and TR46 mutations in the Cyp51 gene of A. fumigatus.
The Fungiplex® Aspergillus Azole-R PCR IVD Kit can be used as a companion test with Fungiplex Aspergillus and has been designed to run on the same conditions.
- Validated on DNA extracted from serum and plasma
- Validated on DNA extracted from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid.
The Fungiplex® Aspergillus Azole-R PCR IVD Kit can be used alongside Fungiplex Aspergillus for an early indication of azole resistance in high risk patients, or in patient samples testing positive for Aspergillus with the Fungiplex Aspergillus PCR. The kits are sold separately to allow flexibility of testing and efficient use of the Fungiplex Aspergillus assays.
Rapid results
The Fungiplex® Aspergillus Azole-R PCR IVD Kit provides results in under 2 hours from extracted DNA, allowing rapid identification of patients with invasive A. fumigatus carrying a mutation for azole resistance. This supports clinical decision-making to ensure appropriate antifungal drug therapy is administered:
- ABI 7500
- ABI QuantStudio 5
- Bio-Rad CFX
- Hain FluoroCycler® XT
- Mic qPCR Cycler
- Roche Lightcycler 480 II
- QIAGEN RotorGene.