SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.617 Real Time PCR Kit


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In October 2020, SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.617 emerged in India, causing an exponential increase in COVID-19 cases across the country. The lineage is further divided into three subgroups: B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2, and B.1.617.3, of which the B.1.617.2 variant (also known as Delta variant) has been designated as Variant of Concern (VOC) by WHO because of significantly increased infectivity. The mutations L452R and E484Q, along with P681R in the furin cleavage site are reported to lead to increased ACE2 binding and rate of S1-S2 cleavage resulting in better transmissibility, and capacity to escape the binding and neutralization by some monoclonal antibodies. The combined detection of these three mutations will contribute to identifying B.1.617.2.


This product is intended to detect L452R, E484Q, and P681R mutations in S gene of SARS-CoV-2 and help to identify B.1.617.2 for research purpose.


Our R&D team is closely tracking the reported SARS-CoV-2 variants worldwide and design assays for detecting emerging mutations related to increased infectiousness, immune escape, vaccine efficacy, and therapeutic medicines. Assays for these emerging mutation targets of interest will be available upon request.


  • Receive three kinds of information through one test:

    > Whether the specimen is Delta B.1.617.2. If not,

    > Whether the specimen is B.1.617. If not,

    > Whether the specimen is SARS-CoV-2 positive.


  • Qualitative detection of five targets (ORF1a/b, L452R, E484Q, P681R and internal control) simultaneously in three-color real-time PCR reaction
  • Automated result interpretation add-in for STC-96A & STC-96A Plus*
  • Efficient detection of 46 specimens in 72 minutes
  • Internal control ensures the whole process reliable

* Semi-automated interpretation tool available for other real-time PCR instruments



ORF1a/b, L452R, E484Q, and P681R

Coincidence with internal positive reference


Coincidence with internal negative reference


Limit of detection

500 copies/mL

Sample input volume


Sample type

Nasopharyngeal swabs, throat swabs, sputum specimens.





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